Where can I report other users
http://snapzu.com/LibertyPrime is spamming a snap with garbage comments to farm XP.
Besides the fact that she/he is trying to subvert the XP system this is polluting my feed and making it useless.
Where can I report him/her to prevent this kind of stuff.
9 years ago by jmcs
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Hi, it seems that we have encountered another troll (we look at it as a good thing since it means the community is growing!) Our system is detecting this and automatically removing him and banning his IPs, however it's already happened twice in just under 1 hour and he's switching IPs. We will look into possibly be imposing some timed limitations for new accounts so this doesn't happen again. Sorry for your troubles!
I think this is a bad idea. This can make it so that very little new users would commit to this site.
Maybe try making it so that new XP gain is capped daily/hourly so that gaming the system becomes less easy to do.
I am trying to figure this out as well. My feed consists of numbers :/ Wont be long till he's back on voat ;)
Just figured out this: You can click the arrow next to "2 minutes ago" and select block source snap. That should clean up your feed.
Thanks. I'll do that.
Muffintop showed how to block a user, but is there a way to unblock in case we make a mistake? Is there a way to revert a "never show comments" command?
While teamsnapzu removed the user, there is apparently still no way to report someone.
anyway to identify who it is we should watch for? User name? Time to get the all powerful down vote on the go.