
[Features] Upload and crop banner photos the same way we do cover photos for snaps.

I would love to have the same functionality that allows us to upload and crop snap cover photos available for tribe/personal banner photos. The pixel dimensions required for banners right now make it hard for some folks (or maybe just me!) to easily add banner photos.

9 years ago by FivesandSevens with 3 comments

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  • Arbituz

    I like this idea. Probably the reason all of my tribes just have colors and patterns right now. I would love to be able to just choose and image and multiply it too. Uploading a photo or design and just having it show up over and over again as the banner.

    • FivesandSevens

      As it happens, /u/drunkenninja replied to a similar post of mine in another tribe with some good news for both of us! Not sure about the mulitple photos (tiling?) idea you brought up, but it sounds like the cropping problem will be fixed soon.

      • sea

        Perfect, was wondering about that earlier.