
We have a Steam group!

In order to organize easier for the event this weekend, I have made a steam group for this tribe. If you would like to join and participate, please put your Steam username in the comments, then I will be able to send you an invite. I've made it invite only for similar reasons as Snapzu, making it more manageable and more exclusive to stop trolls. With this group though, it will allow everyone to just go to the members list to see whoever is online at the time and will allow me to make event reminders. Along with this, it will make it easier to join up in the same game server. So please, just put your steam username in a comment below, and I will send you an invite.

9 years ago by MyAnacondaDoes with 16 comments

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  • Bellchime

    You already have my user name but I'm not in the group plz send me an invite Chief.