
What is your favorite console in your collection and why?

8 years ago by Roundcat with 8 comments

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  • Necron102

    Nostalgia wise

    Super Nintendo - It was my gaming from the ages of 10-16. Had great RPGS

    Contemporary Wise

    Xbox 360 - Soooo many good games. Plus the multiplayer experience on games like Halo and Bad Company 2 was some of the most fun I have had.

    • VoyagerXyX (edited 8 years ago)

      Gotta love that Halo, me and the fiance' still play the OG campaign co-op from the first game often! :)

      EDIT: Also, super smash TV, best SNES game for me. I love my SNES, good pick!


    I really love my SNES it feels like so many of gaming's masterpieces were on that console. Games like Super Mario World, Castlevania IV, Earthbound, Mortal Kombat games, Street Fighter games, Chrono Trigger, LoZ LttP, Super Metroid etc. And the music as well is truly compelling in a lot of these titles. The games just really made this legendary console for me.

    • PedroBear

      I agree, its SNES for me as well. No other system has so many of my favorite games from their respective series. Final fantasy 6, Donkey Kong Country, Secret of Mana, and Yoshi's Island just to name a few you haven't already. Then on top of that it had great new IPs like ActRaiser and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Plus the beginning of great series such as Fzero and Mario Kart. Man, I really love the SNES.

  • VoyagerXyX

    My favorite console is probably my PSX. I own the OG Grey and the White PSOne. The funny thing about this being my favorite is that I think I have the least number of games for it but nostalgia pretty much commands my game collecting priorities. I haven't bought a lot of games for it because I like to get completes with manuals and everything and I really like to see the discs in person before buying them. All of my favorites were on the PSX and it's the console I spent the most time playing as a kid/teenager. One of my first memories of video games (aside from my nes, snes days) was watching my Dad play FF7. Great times, great consoles. Both in really good shape. :)

  • Teakay

    Nostalgia-wise I have to agree with a few others, my (parents') SNES was the console I started playing games on when I was two years old, and a few of those games I haven't personally considered topped by modern games yet.

    Current use-wise, though... I'm not sure if I could pick between my top four handhelds: 3DS, Vita, DS Lite, and PSP. The 3DS has some great games, as does the Vita (which is an amazing handheld despite not being used to its full potential). I'm not sure if the better hardware of either make them fully beat their predecessors, though. With two flashcarts in my DS Lite I can carry my entire DS and GBA library around with me (and man did those libraries contain some great games). With a few giant memory cards I can have all of my PSP, PS1, GBA, and SNES game with me as well.

  • itsgallus (edited 8 years ago)

    Collectability-wise, it's the Philips CD-i. I mean, the games are awful, but the device itself is cool.

    Game-wise it has to be the Amiga. While it doesn't have many good games, the ones that are good are very much so.

    Then the NES, because Zelda.

    Among the newer ones, I'm particularly fond of my PS2 because of the great number of fun games, such as Soul Calibur 2/3 and Shadow of the Colossus, plus the backwards compatibility with PS1 games.

  • Roundcat

    For me it has to be the Sega Dreamcast. The Dreamcast has one of the most unique libraries out of any game console, and a very sizable game selection for a console that only lasted less than three years. I highly recommend Jet Set Radio and Shenmue for anyone who owns the console.