
Here's a fun one for today: Reddit's admins are doing the right thing for the site

Opinions FOR and AGAINST are free to be expressed.

8 years ago by bogdan with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

    If it means to get rid of the unpopular opinions and self expression so that they can gain acceptance in the mainstream advertising network, then yes they are doing the right thing... for their investors.

  • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

    First off, there's the argument: Hell, it's a corporation and it's allowed to do whatever the hell it wants.

    Secondly, I've heard people say that they make more money from advertisers.

    But the point I want to make is that maybe by casting away the "rotten" userbase, they will be left only with the positive people, and this will strengthen the community in the end.

  • 90boss

    No and I left reddit because of it. I still go back but I like snapzu because its so relaxing and I actually matter to a degree. Its not even about the fatpeoplehate, its about abusive mods censoring anything they choose to, such as the elen pao fiasco.

    • dynamite

      Their mods make people write 500 word essays to get unbanned from their subs

  • alapseofsanity

    Having a free speech platform means that it is going to be subjected to people with shitty things to say.

    Reddit is legally allowed to do whatever they want, and the issue isn't so much that they are trying to control abusive users/subs, but that they are trying to control the conversation. That's not just Ellen Pao, that's a large portion of mods as well. The current crowd that is slowly becoming the reddit majority has a habit of shutting down conversation they deem offensive. But what's offensive is ultimately subjective.

    It's no lie that there are genuinely mean and bigoted people on reddit. But guess what? As this community grows here those people will start showing up here too. Reddit did its best to deal with this issue in the same way society does: by encouraging a culture that didn't hold those people in high regard. Instead of giving them a voice, they were sort of naturally weeded out from the general reddit community and confined to their individual subreddits.

    The reason we allow these speech in society is not just because we are upholding free speech, but because shutting them down doesn't necessarily work. Shutting down the conversation doesn't change attitudes, and trying to live in a world absent of shitty people is like asking water to not be wet. If we outlawed the KKK, would it get rid of the racism associated with the KKK? No, they'd make a new organization, or just disperse and bring their racism out into the general society.

    Reddit tried to create a system where free speech was allowed and tolerated within the confines of the law. If it necessarily worked is another issue entirely. The Internet can bring out the absolute worst in people and maybe we're just starting to look at that as a society and go, "holy crap, is this how people really are?" I'm never really sure. Frankly I try to stick to better corners of the Internet because seeing a lot of that ugliness can be depressing.

    Bogdan mentioned that he sees it as castin...

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