
It's The End

Well, hello everyone!

Unfortunately, I will be quitting the tribe (It might be temporary*).

This is pretty much the 3rd time I'm thinking of how I should phrase this whole post correctly, as it's really hard for me to say goodbye to something I grew, with all the support you guys gave me.

As said, I will be leaving but only because of many reasons (and not because I don't want to do this anymore).

First of all, I have school that is ramping up in high intensity. I have a lot of work and projects to do, and it's occupying a lot of the time I have. If you live in Ottawa, you will know we had 5 snow days the past winter and it has really affected the speed in which work has to be done. If this was my only problem, I think I would be able to easily carry on with this side project.

Secondly, I might get a job soon. For me, I think this might be the real kicker to why I have to quit something. I don't think that I can manage my time to make consistent posts like I used to be able to last year. There's already something else that I care about which brings me up to my next argument.

Thirdly, I've joined a producer challenge recenetly that requires me to make songs each month. As a producer, that consumes a lot of time and now with this part time job option in the air, I probably will only be able to find the time to squeak this into my daily schedule. Nonetheless, this is what I care about the most, and really, I can't just leave music production because it's my biggest passion.

So with that in mind, I hope you can have a frame of mind of why I've decided to part ways. It's not about losing interest on this, it's simply a thing of not having enough time to continue on.

With all that said, thank you guys so much for everything. It's been a blast running this fan page and I will really miss doing this. I've had plenty of fun writing these posts (despite my lack of interest in writing, that for some reason I like doing this), and I've really appreciated the support, especially Jscher, who's made a lot of posts without me even asking him to do it.

Now, it might sound like the post is over at this point, but I do have other things in mind. If anyone is interested into being a moderator and taking the daily post job, I will check back every day for the next week and I will consider you. Take note that if you are granted the opportunity, you are carrying the legacy of this tribe and I will only expect good from you. You could be the future of this tribe!

Anyways, thank you all!

  • Noisestrike (A.K.A Solize)

*If you noticed the asterisk, well, congratulations I guess? The reason why I say it might be temporary is because I will be finished school in mid-June (duh) and if I don't find myself to be too busy, I might come back. You never know... ;)

8 years ago by Noisestrike with 1 comments

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  • jcscher

    Thanks and I hope you come back in June.