
What everyday things do you find difficult to use?

8 years ago by jedlicka with 8 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Washer / Dryer :D I always seem to screw something up!

    • baron778

      My problem is loading the dishwasher. I find that more times than not the dishes come out dirty and spotty.

      • drunkenninja

        I get the same result. I am terrible with appliances!

  • hingeattack

    Tie racks. Ties always fall off of them, and I have a sizeable collection of ties, so I run out of room and put more than one over the same hook and that just doesn't help. I've tried a few different varieties and they all have these same problems and some even have more.

    I tried a spinning one that hooks like a coat hanger, that one was really cheap, just fell right apart when I put ties on all the hooks.

    I used another one than had a more simple and sturdy design that didn't spin, and it seems to work better, but I still deal with limited storage space issues.

    I have a wall mounted one, and that seems to work the best, but it still isn't great.

    • baron778

      You just may have too many ties.

      • oystein

        He's a bit tied down at the moment?

  • Gozzin

    Getting the lid locked down on the electric pressure cooker. It always takes two or tree tries to get it right.

  • Yamadori

    Ice trays. I always fill way above capacity and spill some water when carrying to the freezer.

    The youtube app for my smart tv. You cant search for something while the current video is playing, you have to exit back to the search screen. Very annoying when playing music for myself/guests.