
What do you usually have with your coffee?

Question is broad on purpose! :)

7 years ago by belangermira with 11 comments

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  • Yamadori

    I have switched my morning caffeine to a tablet, cheaper and quicker and cleaner preparation. But I'll get a coffee every few weeks as a treat, I really dig La Colombe's cold brew. Cream and simple syrup.

  • Maternitus


    • canuck

      And then immediately a visit to the loo.

      • Maternitus

        Depends a bit on last night's dinner.

  • marenmor

    GoT. Because winter's coming.

  • Bastou

    Cream. The fatter the better. I'm active enough not to worry about fat in my food, and don't eat or drink many other unhealthy things anyway. And admit it : fat cream tastes way better!

  • spaceghoti

    Chai, no coffee, with either a bagel or muffin.

  • drunkenninja

    I just had some banana bread with my coffee. Costco has some really good banana bread I just found out!

    But generally I will have something sweet with my coffee. Toast with jam, things like that.

  • Gozzin

    I'm doing keto,so I just have bulletproof coffee. Coffee, heavy cream,butter,a teaspoon of coco powder and a dash of cinnamon.

  • NotWearingPants

    Usually nothing, I don't get hungry until I've been up for a few hours.