
What weird coincidence happened in your life?

What weird coincidence happened in your life?

8 years ago by kiltman with 4 comments

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  • ClarkKent

    I guess it would be the coincidence of going to Hawaii to fix my marriage and getting a divorce instead and meeting a person who has made me the best person I could ever be who after 6 years of dating I will marry. It's been the best coincidence that's for sure.

  • IridescentOak

    One particularly fortunate coincidence happened yesterday, actually.

    I've been in the door now for about 20 minutes, having just come back from a road trip I left for on Thursday to the Cincinnati area. I had a rather nice time, but since I had to drive so far in so little time (I live in the midlands of SC, and took the scenic routes as much as possible), I obviously wasn't able to stop very much anywhere. Like, all of my stops were limited to restroom breaks and finding hotels to crash in for a few hours before getting back on the road.

    Well yesterday, I broke my habit of driving nonstop for once, and decided to visit an historic battlefield outside of Richmond, Virginia, instead of continuing straight on to Knoxville, Tennessee like I was sorely tempted to. It was in the late afternoon when I got there, the Sun already bright with it's dying rays. Then lo and behold, when I got out of the car, I was approached by a young woman with 3 small kids. She said, "I'm sorry, but do you have a cell phone I could use to call my husband with? I locked my keys in my car and my phone died."

    Needless to say, I of course aided her. I still can't hardly believe how I arrived at just the right time to help the lady, especially since I hail from so far away from her location; it's just crazy, you know?

  • sgfc

    I was hired to work with this guy from Los Angeles in Toronto. Turns out he and my cousin from Toronto knew each other from when my cuz went to UCLA. But that isn't the oddest coincidence. One weekend his wife and kids came to visit. I went to my girlfriend's parent's house for the weekend, about 2 hours away in this tiny village. On Sunday morning the Dad was in the little antique shop they had in their house and called for me. So I walk into the shop and there was the LA guy with his family.

    Of all the gin joints in the world. I had never mentioned anything about what the village name was or that they had an antique shop. It turns out they just pointed to an area on the map and decided to go for a drive in the country and the wife loved antiques so they stopped when they saw the sign.

  • Slothrop (edited 8 years ago)

    I faked my suicide on Reddit and literally five minutes after posting the suicide note, the Moms called me to see how I was doing that day.