
What is your earliest childhood memory?

What is your earliest childhood memory?

8 years ago by kiltman with 4 comments

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  • mcoorlim

    Laying in a crib in the dark and someone's standing over me. I think it may be my father.

  • everlost

    Breaking a cookie jar when trying to reach up on the counter. At the time I balled my eyes out while my grandpa was trying to make me stop. I think I was 4 or 5.

  • IridescentOak

    Running in terror from my older sister, who was attempting to grab me and give me an Indian burn. I distinctly remember hiding behind a door and screaming to my grandparents (who I lived with at the time) for them to ground her, lol. I believe that I was about 4 at the time.

  • blitzen

    My younger brother is two and half years younger than me; my earliest memory is being held by my father outside the delivery room where my brother was being born.