
What's the newest added item in your "bucket list"?

8 years ago by grandsalami with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    I want to feel weightless in space. This is something that I recently just really wanted to experience. Either one of those special flights that do it, or an actual trip to space, then again a trip to orbit the earth would be more exciting for sure.

  • Gozzin

    My next door neighbor,who hunts, helped me with my bucket list by giving me a dressed pheasant and telling me how he cooked it. In case your wondering,it's even better than goose! Playing No Man's Sky on Linux is also on my list. I'd buy a Steam machine if I could get this one game.

    • drunkenninja

      Have you ever tried peeled deer liver (white tail) with sauteed sweet onions in pepper sauce? It's delicious, and definitely something that needs to be tried at least once in a life time.

  • Bastou

    Buy and use a straight razor.

  • IridescentOak

    Oh wow, I remember when I was really into updating such lists, but I haven't added to my bucket list doc in quite a while. The most recent item is "Read as many religious texts/holy books as possible in your lifetime", added about a year ago.
    This entry has become more of a hobby than a goal at this point, as it's just a part of my morning routine now to open up my Tanakh and read for a half hour or so.