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Published 8 years ago by spaceghoti with 3 Comments

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  • sashinator

    Why? tl;dr; because she's Goldilocks center (not too left, not too right, perfect center), I feel bad for her cuz she didn't get it last time and "other guy" can't win general election.

    Center in a political spectrum where Trump is deemed "right" or "conservative" instead of "batshit fascist neonazi" is not much of a progressive center.

    I also feel bad for her but I also feel bad for the other 400 million Americans, 1.5 billion western allies and few other billion people on the planet that will live under American global supremacy for the next 8 years. I'd like the candidate that can do the best job as a Leader of the Free World to get elected, not just the "best we could get elected this time round but hang tight there's another round of musical chairs in 8 years when Bible-bashing evangelicals might just very well spontaneously loosen grip on American politics you never know it could happen" best.

    I’m convinced [Sanders would] be eviscerated in a general election [...] As long as I’ve been following politics, it has been a left-wing fantasy that legions of disconnected non-voters will suddenly flood the polls if they’re offered a sufficiently progressive candidate. I’ve never seen anything save wishful thinking to back it up.

    Two sentences down she mentions both Obama and Bill Clinton... :/

    • spaceghoti

      I agree; there are no perfect candidates in this election (if there ever are), just candidates who are better than others.

      Hillary has a complicated history, which is why she's not my first pick as a candidate. She started out squarely on the left when she was First Lady; it's not a coincidence that the Clinton health care reform that Republicans fought to kill was referred to as "Hillarycare." The ascension of Republicans in Congress convinced both of them to "pivot" to the right and turn to centrism, which did a lot to harm progressive causes. I have myself lambasted her as a Third Way Democrat in the past. But I don't fault a politician for listening to constituents and adjusting policy accordingly.

      Clinton is not my first choice for President, but I refuse to burn bridges with her. Bernie's nomination is by no means guaranteed, and if Clinton gets it instead we have to work with her and pressure her to be more like Bernie. We're not going to be able to do that if we give her the impression we're not willing to work with her no matter what. We have to work with what we have, not with what we think should be. The author here seems to think Bernie doesn't have a chance, and she's entitled to that opinion. I disagree with it, but I respect that she holds it. What I also disagree with is the notion that we should burn bridges with Hillary and her supporters because we like Bernie better.

      • Appaloosa

        This is a tough choice, as are all

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