9 years ago
Barton: God Opposes Retirement Because It 'Is A Pagan Concept'
Appearing on Kenneth Copeland's "Believer's Voice of Victory" television program today, David Barton declared that God opposes retirement because it is "a pagan concept."
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RWW News: David Barton Says God Opposes Retirement Because It 'Is A Pagan Concept'
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Jeremiah 10:1-5
Yet somehow, they don't try to ban christmas trees because they are pagan according to the BIble. Very selective in what they pick, aren't they?
It baffles me how fanatic sociopaths can call on the name of God every time they need an endorsement for their hypocritical agendas. It sounds to me as a childish "not my fault" kind of attitude.
It makes sense if you think of the god they worship as a blank page on which they scribble all their own preferences and biases.