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Published 6 years ago by socialiguana with 5 Comments

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  • kxh

    Even though they were told that what they were taking was placebo and contained nothing of therapeutic value, ..... Incredibly, the placebo worked better than the real pain medication.

    So why the huge campaign against homeopathy?

    • drunkenninja

      I believe because it's misleading and advertised as a real alternative to pharmaceuticals.

      • kxh

        And yet, according to this research, it really is.   And at least some modern drugs and even some surgery is not as good as placebos.

        • drunkenninja

          Agreed, I mean if you have anxiety and you take some fake pills, and for some reason it helps you then I'm all for it, but when we're talking about someone with stage 4 cancer and their only reasonable option if they want to survive is proven medicine, hmm maybe I'm against duping people into that.

    • achekulaev (edited 6 years ago)

      Because homeopathy drugs were sold as "cure everything". People were taking them thinking they can treat serious diseases, which they can't, so people were losing time and money when conventional medicine could actually provenly cure them.

      Placebo-effect can only take you so far. It can help with everything that is perceptional: pain, depression, maybe minor inflammation etc. But it won't help to treat diseases that root in physical conditions like bacteria, tumors etc. etc.

      However shammy people were making placebo for everything. Common cold, liver disease, cancer, you name it. This is highly detrimental for people and society health.

      It is especially so for scammers usually bundle in some horse shit with your "medicine". Like conspirology theories (government does want you to know this ancient medicine secret...) or even religious gibberish.

      So, that's why. There is a huge difference in consequences between believing in nonsense and using irrational mind effect.

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