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Published 7 years ago by sjvn with 3 Comments
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  • leweb

    You can turn anything into a bomb. What you can't do is turning public officials into rational beings.

    • Gozzin

      You got that right. I still think all this terrorist bs is to protect the 1% from the 99%.

  • Appaloosa

    I guess if one of the thousands of lithium batteries that will now be in cargo holds, which can not be extinguished, happen to catch fire, our fearless leaders will say it was a terrorist attack and not the buffoonery of having made a law directing they be put there in the first place.

    There have ben 31 cases of burning devices in aircraft cabins. If they were in the hold of a plane there would most likely have been several plane crashes. This is just plain reckless endangerment.

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