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Published 8 years ago by rti9 with 5 Comments

Watchmen - Adapting the Unadaptable

A look at the "unfilmable" work of Alan Moore that deconstructed the entire comic book medium.


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  • Devang

    I didn't read the comic book but i liked the movie. It was quite different from Marvel's league . Zack Snyder is helluva director of current era.

    • NomadiChris (edited 8 years ago)

      There is an animated comic version out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLdqKIj3-A0

      Alan Moore - the creator/writer of the original comic - isn't too big on Hollywood adaptations. Here are his exact words on the movie based on his comic:

      The Watchmen film sounds like more regurgitated worms. I for one am sick of worms.

      I enjoyed the movie too but I understand his - Moore's - point. It is what it is. Just like the LOTR and Hobbit movies: it's telling the story through a different medium. There's pros and cons obviously.

      I have to say though, when the writer not only doesn't give you his blessing on adapting the story to film but spits at your efforts, it means there's something quite wrong in the showbiz industry, on both ends, legal aspects (basically 'selling' your story) included. Obviously it's all about rules and money and absolutely no heart. At least Tolkien gave his blessing to Christopher Lee (to play Gandalf, not Saruman, but still he acknowledged it).

      • RoamingGnome (edited 8 years ago)

        I have to say though, when the writer not only doesn't give you his blessing on adapting the story to film but spits at your efforts, it means there's something quite wrong in the showbiz industry,

        Another option could be that Moore is just simply a dick. I have no idea if that is the case, but it wouldn't surprise me.

        • NomadiChris (edited 8 years ago)

          Yeah, he probably is. He is definitely eccentric. I guess my point or perspective is: he seems really against the cinematic adaptations of his works, however several movies rolled out already one of which is Killing Joke that just got out (and more probably will). I get the whole copyright thing "you wrote it, we own it" but still, I personally would not be comfortable to - as a director or better said, as an artist - pour my heart, mind and soul into a movie based entirely on the story written by a man who is completely against me doing that movie. And you know, it's not a remake or a different story based on his writings, it's exactly the same story translated to film.

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