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Published 8 years ago by rti9 with 7 Comments

The secrets of Magic Eye, revealed

The science behind the stereogram craze of the 1990s.


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  • spaceghoti

    Stupid magic eye. I never could make it work.

    • Qukatt

      i would cross my eyes first then slowly let them uncross and i would see it but it was always backwards for me (indented instead of popping out)

      • AdelleChattre

        I've heard you're supposed to focus at some point well beyond the image.

    • drunkenninja

      I had the same problem until someone explained to me what I had to do in order for the images to pop!

      • spaceghoti

        I had someone explain it to me (relax your vision, don't try to focus if I recall) but I still failed.

        • drunkenninja

          The thing that did it for me is that they stood behind the image, and told me to focus on them and then having my eyes not adjust look down at the picture. Once I realized I had to look at it as if I was looking at something further in the distance, the image popped. The first time it happened, was just such an amazing thing!

          • spaceghoti

            Yup. That's what I was told.

            Stupid magic eye. ;)

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