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I hope they continue to add features, it can eventually become a well fleshed out game, for right now it seems like a starting point for something that can become great.
I was hopeful but have recently become doubtful after all the issues I've read with the PC port.
Yeah, this probably did it for me: won't buy it, though it feels like a new direction for gaming. It could have been a hell of a good multiplayer game.
I'll pick it up on Steam for 10 bucks next Summer sale :D
I would,but of course they are going to eat dog crap before they release it for us Linux users. That being said,i was wondering if you would be doing the same thing over and over. That's why I play so few video games, as they are so repetitive. This review has damped down my desire to gt my hands on it somewhat..It will be interesting to see if the game evolves.