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Published 8 years ago by rti9 with 2 Comments

Menu Calorie Labeling Isn't Doing Much to Fight Obesity

It is assumed that once Americans know what they are eating, they will eat less, or at least more health consciously. Will they? New data exist! That’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.


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  • NinjaKlaus

    Yeah, I noticed at Zaxby's they have now started putting calorie counts on the board, over 1000 calories in the chicken plate... my thought process was holy shit, then I ordered it anyway and added a sprite on top of it. I don't think the calorie counts affect anything for most people.

    I think moving the subsidies for food and farms around to more healthy options could cause prices to swing in healthy foods favor, when I think healthy food I think Whole Foods or Earth Fare, when I get there and get my total I think, Aldi next time, due to the prices... and eat bad again for a few months before I restart the cycle of I really need to eat better.

    • sashinator

      I can never remember appropriate amount per meal. I know it's "thousand" but when I read 1367 v 1924 v 1508 all I see is the "1". They should color code them. I suspect most things then become amber nullifying the effect :/

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