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Published 8 years ago by rti9 with 3 Comments

How Brexit could actually make the EU stronger

Everyone is freaking out about Britain leaving the EU. But what if it helps the remaining countries get more done?


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  • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

    So here is what I get from this video: The UK was never really a part of Europe so if they go no big loss. The EU can now create immigration policies. Which they couldn't do before because they just told countries that they had to accept immigrants. The EU can now come up with a tax policies and create a welfare state!!!! WOOT WOOT! No more government taxes... or maybe EU and government taxes? The local and National Government would not have to worry about welfare policies because they are already taken care of by the EU. And that's just the optimistic portion of the video. If I was a non EU country thinking about joining the EU, or a county wanting to leave the EU this would be push me to not want anything to do with the EU. This video also makes it clear that there is expected to be some level of EU "Nationalism" and "Patriotism" which would need to over ride the need for sovereignty. How much power does the EU want in Europe?

    I am still neutral on the Brexit referendum and vote from last week but this video would instantly make me want to leave the EU. That being said I don't think this is a great video and it looks to be way too biassed.

  • leweb

    Actually I believed for a long time that Britain only joined the EU to destroy it from the inside.


    " But what if it helps the remaining countries get more done?" Really?

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