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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    That's a fair point. I choose to believe that if I'm calm and gentle then as far as the spider (or really any creature that I hold) will not see my hand as a threat but rather as a piece of landscape to traverse. Remember how when you were young the world seemed so large, not in a metaphorical sense but in a literal sense. The chairs were bigger, the bench was higher, your parents hands were huge. Imagine that from the sense of an insect. Not only would everything human be incomprehensibly gigantic, it would be indiscernible from an ordinary non-human object. As far as I choose to believe, the spiders and all insects have no concept of humans as anything more than gigantic sometime moving objects therefore they would have no reason to feel threatened except for cases of 'Holy shit, this thing is trying to squish me. I need to defend myself'.

    Of course if you have something on your hands that react chemically with the spider in a way acid reacts to our skin, then it will be a different story. Although in this case it is still only what threatens the insect.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Spiders are so cool though. These ones grow to be about 2cm long... if that. They used to grow in the trees around my house when I was growing up, my brother and I used to let them explore our hands before we put them back. Even something like this is fine to hold. As long as you don't stress or try to harm it, it will not harm you.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    I honestly can't remember the movie and how good or bad it is, but I think it did finish off the story which was it's point I believe. Battlestar Galactica is another really good show for sci-fi drama. Stargate Universe is also good for a drama thats in space, entirely different to the other two stargate series but still good in it's own right.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    The only reason I got my first job was so that I could buy a PS2 so that I would be ready for GTA:3 when it came out. Luckily I only had to save up half the money as a 15/16yo trying to save up $700 is a bit much. So worth it. I still remember the first time I played that game... best feeling ever.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Good job. I know that feeling of getting your code to work, though I myself haven't published code on the internet just through academic activities but when the thing works and does what it is meant to do, its such a great feeling. Unless you didn't change anything and it started to work by itself... then I usually get confused and worried. Keep up the good work.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    I did think of this, but figured that this is an event that would take longer than one day to play out.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    I'm not much of a drinker and don't really like popcorn. I'll bring some pizza and some herbs.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    I would put myself in orbit with the best cameras that exist at this point in time and go back and watch the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs. Even if that didn't kill off the dinosaurs, just to see something with that much energy and devastation would be awesome. As in it would incite awe in a way that no other event could. To see watch the full effects of the impact and record it in at least 4k 3d with all the bells and whistles. I'm in awe just thinking about it...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Haha, just be glad I cut myself off. It's actually hard to right summaries for shows that you haven't seen in ages, without spoilers.
    Thanks for your comment, you're always warm and friendly.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    That's the case if you don't upgrade from Windows 7/8 and instead upgrade from XP/Vista or do a clean install. If you are running (a genuine) Windows 7 or 8 copy at the moment then you are entitled to a free upgrade to Windows 10 without having to do the bug testing.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    -Community, This is a good show to just put on and leave it going. If you have seen all of it before, you can just put it on random and watch what comes up. If you haven't seen it yet then you are in for a treat. There are 6 full seasons though I'm not sure where they seasons are streamed besides Stan in Australia and Yahoo Screen. The season 6 finale was pure gold.

    -Red Dwarf, An old british sci-fi sitcom with 9 or 10 seasons, I can't quite remember cause of the way the seasons are labelled. Revolves around the last human in existence aboard a ship with his holographic friend, a life form evolved from a cat and in later series a humanoid android. This doesn't sound appealing but it may surprise you.

    -Stargate SG1, This is one of if not my favourite show ever. Based off of the 1994? movie it spans 10 years and over 200 episodes about an exploration team, SG1, exploring the universe through the stargate. The storylines are decent and the characters are believable. It may seem dated and that may annoy you but in the end if you are a fan of sci-fi then this is a must watch.

    -Farscape, With 4 seasons and a movie to wrap it up this was a joint effort between SciFi and channel 9 in Australia, hence all the Australians. Its premise is that a man is taken across the universe when a wormhole opens up when he is testing a new ship for the airforce/nasa. It involves Jim Hensons Creature Company(I think) who create the aliens so they are not all humans.

    -Deadwood, Has exactly 3 seasons produced by HBO. I can't remember much about it and American history is something I know little of, so here is the plot summary from IMDB

    The town of Deadwood, South Dakota in the weeks following the Custer massacre is a lawless sinkhole of crime and corruption. Into this uncivilized outpost ride a disillusioned and bitter ex-lawman, Wild Bill Hickok, and Seth Bullock, a man hoping to find a new start for himself. Both men find themselves quickly on opposite sides of the legal and mora...

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  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Did you have any that went on the end of your pen(cil)s? Then when you were in class you would play with the hair all the time.... As a male... neither did I.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Pfft... Since when were we allowed to use logic???

  • 9 years ago
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    Rock Star

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Is ㄥ8 a better guess?

  • 9 years ago
    Related Link MyUserName

    NASA: We Are Going to Europa

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Before I saw the answer I guessed 78. Is this still correct?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    I am actually commenting when I feel I have something to say, since the site is relatively small it means there is a higher chance that what I say will be heard. Sites like reddit make me feel small and unheard so I never bothered to contribute.

    Snapzu is also friendly so I don't have to worry about trolls being trolls. I dislike internet trolls. I love these trolls

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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    Good Image

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    +1350 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment MyUserName

    Thanks, but I don't think this is the original source. I did try tineye but with 56 results and no copy being the original it was difficult to find the original. The upload date on the source you provided is younger than the version on my computer, not that that is anything definitive I chose to simply not give credit to avoid giving credit to the wrong person.

    Posted in: Surface Tension

  • 9 years ago
    Unspecified MyUserName

    Surface Tension

    I find macro photography to be incredible sometimes. Being able to see things we would otherwise miss is amazing.