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Published 9 years ago by mtnrg with 7 Comments

Dark Wings Dark Words

Official Summoning From Your King of Rock and Salt

  • I declare upon the honor of my House, by right of birth and blood, on this day lay claim to the Iron Throne. Let all true men declare their Loyalty. I will treat with /u/Dunkegg of /t/freefolk and /u/nik of /t/asoiaf. You wildlings have my word no harm will come to you.

    Your One True King


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  • mtnrg

    Not really Dark words but when would I have a chance to say that... I just wanted to start a dialog with /u/dunkegg and /u/nik without messaging them separately and this seemed to be the best way to do it. I wanted to discuss our tribes, not wanting to divide the community between trying to cover all of westeros. I don't know or care what you free folk do beyond the wall as long as you stay on that side, lol

    • DunkEgg

      Lets not talk lore just to not get lost on translation. I think you want to divide our target audience to not compete.

      /r/gameofthrones is a show friendly subreddit and lately a meme fest with user drawings.

      I use it during my time as a show watcher. Then I started reading the books and

      /r/asoiaf is a book friendly with show subreddit and It is the greatest fountain of tinfoil and I very much apreciate they teached me all the lore. But then the mods went too nazi for their own good. And thus

      /r/freefolk its fuck spoilers friendly, and asumes every member has read/watched everything and has read all the news. We dont accept cry babys and send them over the first two subreddits.

      Now, Snapzu its new, so we dont have that grievances as our fore fathers did. We can divide our target audience to be stronger.

      I want to keep the spirit of /r/freefolk and take the people who just consume everything. But that people also visits the other tribes, forums and websites. So I am just a no rules tribe. I dont think I compete with you, I just wanna have more Asoiaf related content. The more the merrier dont cha think?

      • mtnrg

        Ok, sounds good to me. I actually didn't know there was a r/freefolk and didn't know what your tribe was about. Sounds like a tribe I will be hanging around in.

        • DunkEgg

          It was created after /r/asoiaf mods were banning everyone because the leaked episodes.

          Do you have rules like spoiler tags or something? We derived -no rules- to avoid going all nazi like them. And it became our theme "We do not kneel". We even are expanding to other reddit alternatives like voat and me here on snapzu.

          • mtnrg

            That's probably why I never heard of it, I stayed away from the subs the moment I knew about the leak.

            Haven't really thought about it, was playing it by ear, but probably default to the Spoiler-free, newcomer freindly tribe. Probably should post some rules now...

            • DunkEgg

              So, Ill send the cry babys to you..

              We are very strong against people who needs spoiler tag, just watch the episode dudes! jajaja

              By the way, Im a spanish speaker so I can help with translations there were a ton this past season because dorne was in spain

            • nik
              @DunkEgg -

              Regarding /t/asoiaf I wanted it to be very comfortable for the /r/asoiaf people coming over. Mostly book discussion with some TV discussion within. Of course the show is not my primary focus, just like /r/asoiaf. I just hope it ends up being less CLEGANEBOWL GET HYPE and more meaningful discussion :)

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