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Published 8 years ago by lostwonder with 3 Comments

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  • RoamingGnome

    I knew that if enough time passed I would eventually find some common ground with them. Last night I almost stopped at McDonald's. Then I had a moment of clarity and remembered that their food sucks and is crazy expensive, so I went home and made Hamburger Helper instead. Cheeseburger Macaroni with some extra cheddar thrown in there. Yummy.

    • drunkenninja

      Heh, never expected to agree with them on something. I tried that hamburger helper stuff a while back, but I think I screwed something up because the stuff I made was inedible!

      • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

        I tried making hamburger helper once and it was inedible! So it's not you fault..It was horrible. McDonalds offers a nasty slab of gray processed meat with who knows what in it. I hate their food.

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