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Published 8 years ago by dynamite with 9 Comments

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  • sgfc (edited 8 years ago)

    In Big Canada there used to be something called the Humber Hump on the eastbound Gardiner Expressway going into Toronto. There was a bridge going over the Humber River and the pilings had sunk into the ground. So there was this great jump across all three (?) lanes which was always fun to go over. Except for that one guy that went right over the median into the westbound lanes.

  • agent99

    at around 3:20 is that a giant jack-in-the box coming out of the top of a car?

  • ttubravesrock

    I was impressed that they all seemed to recover nicely. Some were being tailgated pretty severely and that could have ended up being a pretty bad accident if they slammed on their brakes upon landing.

  • CrookedTale

    Some of those cars/trucks had decent air time!

  • darvinhg

    All fun and games until a motorcycle comes along.

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