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Published 6 years ago by ckshenn with 1 Comments

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  • leweb (edited 6 years ago)

    Been there, done that, left the country twice.

    People still light candles and pray to Chavez. There are even people who pray to dead criminals.

    Faith is the best thing you can ever ask for. Once you get it, you can do literally anything you want, and it will be OK.

    This goes back to my point about Democracy. The majority of people don't want to have to think, it hurts their head. They'd much rather be told what's true and what's not, and follow the charismatic leader who tells them that.

    I find it funny how preachers often say that skepticism is easy but faith is hard. I guess that's a way to massage people's egos so they're happy to follow like sheep.

    Edit: I hate it when whitespace matters. That's why I don't like python.

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