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Published 8 years ago by aj0690 with 6 Comments
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  • RoamingGnome

    Maybe we could get everybody south of the equator to blow really hard in a northerly direction? Or fans.

    • Chubros

      Solid plan. 100% approved.

  • Gozzin

    And this is one of those emergencies we can't do a thing about...

  • drunkenninja

    “Our climate system behaviour continues to behave in new and scary ways that we have never anticipated, or seen before,” Beckwith observed. “Welcome to climate chaos. We must declare a global climate emergency.”

    I bet the global warming denying toads still feel all of this is "bullshit" science.

    • leweb

      Of course! This is all a conspiracy by scientists to destroy our economy! There's no real proof of man-made global warming. Real scientists funded by respectable oil companies have shown that this is all due to solar flares and ever-rising levels of flatulence.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    All it takes is an article and you rubes buy it,.................. nuff said.


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