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Published 4 years ago by TNY with 2 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    The more things change,the more they stay the same. I'm so glad I left XP way back when for a Linux distro.

    • Maternitus (edited 4 years ago)

      Totally agree. I am using Linux for over fifteen years and had one machinecrash in all that time. It was many years ago, when I still was drinking alcohol and had a temper once in a while. And when the cdrom didn't go into the tray like it should do (because it was stuck in, but only halfway) and I didn't see why because of the beers, I was a bit rude and then my screen went black. So, there. And not even Linux's fault.

      Ah, and I also fucked up my entire music and photo (of all my art, or as much as possible since digital photography) harddrive, because I was so sure the dd-command was putting an ISO on a thumbdrive that was named SDB, while it actually was SDC and SDB was my external backup-drive with said treasures and archives. Yeah. And that was sober, but still my own fault. Linux did its' work thoroughly. 500 GB gone in a jiffie. Zzzzzzzzzppp. Done. I still hold ceremonies to remember that foolish moment, my personal digital Hiroshima. Absolutely unnecessary overkill to arrogantly prove a point to imagined enemies. In this case the alphabet and not the Soviets.

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