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Published 8 years ago by TNY with 14 Comments

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  • shiranaihito

    Can you guess if the thug officer is going to face any negative consequences for this? Are you afraid of cops, or somehow uncomfortable in their presence? Do you know why?

    You see, because they're wearing a blue costume with a piece of metal attached to it, your rights don't apply in their presence. They can abuse you as they please, they can ruin your life on a whim, and they can confiscate your property as they see fit.

    It's a magic suit that dispels human rights!

    • madjo

      This cop didn't even wear the uniform, he was in plain clothes.

      • hassannizami

        Yes dear you are right. He is wearing a plain suite.

  • Rothulfossil

    Administrative leave for that? What did he have to do to get fired, actually put a hole in the guy's head?

    • NotWearingPants

      Not even that, unless it was caught on independent video.

      • Cheski

        That still isn't any guarantee .

  • TentativePrince

    Wow, if a guy jumped out of his truck wearing a wife beater and shorts with tattoos on his arms threatening to blow a hole through my head, I would have done the exact same thing.

  • the7egend (edited 8 years ago)

    Administrative leave isn't enough, this guy needs his job taken away from him and his right to carry and own guns stripped from him.

  • joethebob

    Perhaps I'm becoming institutionalized to questionable police behavior but I don't see anything worthy of media circus. Should the guy be reprimanded / suspended, sure. It was beyond any professional demeanor and could have easily provoked an even worse scenario. At the same time, there was no physical abuse, and as far as I can tell didn't draw his weapon and produced his badge early on in the exchange.

    • gnomeshell (edited 8 years ago)

      It was beyond any professional demeanor and could have easily provoked an even worse scenario. At the same time, there was no physical abuse, and as far as I can tell didn't draw his weapon and produced his badge early on in the exchange.

      If I were to jump out in traffic, and threaten in the same manner, I would surely be charged with assault and making deadly threats. And frankly if someone shot me during the altercation they would be justified if I approached that way.

      Finally, if my job got wind I was acting like that, I would probably be fired, and I don't work in a publicly facing role in any capacity.

      Frankly in this situation I would have left, and called the police to inform them some guy with a red Tacoma in shorts and t shirt was flashing a badge, threating to shoot people and trying to stop traffic.

    • frohawk

      Probably the fact he was acting like a rabid animal at a guy who already knew he fucked up, threatening to blow his fucking brains out and beat the piss out of him. The only reason he didn't comply because he thought his life was at risk.

      This guy is giving cops a bad name.

  • TonyDiGerolamo

    So entitled these cops act. Like the driver's a mind reader.

  • staxofmax (edited 8 years ago)

    The Thin Blue Line in action, everybody!

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