RoamingGnome's feed

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    I actually almost used college tuition as an example. We are on the same page.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    There will never be a revolution. Look at our most recent election. The masses are beyond stupid and gullible, but more importantly they are not hungry. The rich in this country will never allow people to actually get to that tipping point of hunger and despair that drives revolutions. They will just keep that carrot out there and enough people will always think that they actually have a chance at getting it that nothing effective will ever get done.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    This would never work in the USA. As soon as people started receiving the money, corporations would raise prices commensurate with the amount paid out. Actually, they would probably add a percentage point or two, because why not? The only net gain would be to the rich.

  • 8 years ago
    Achievement RoamingGnome

    Red Eye Jedi

    Viewed 1500/1500 snaps! Congratulations RoamingGnome on this achievement!

    +33410 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    It never ceases to amaze me how people forget that "human nature" gets in the way of pretty much everything that is good and beneficial, because someone needs to profit massively or they will take their ball and go home. It's not OK to make millions and be happy, today's wealth class needs to make billions and drive the middle-class into the poor house so they can better measure how awesome they are.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    You may not have noticed, but government changes the rules to benefit government and screw the little guy. With our new Con in Chief it's only going to get worse. Much, much worse. Congratulations to the morons who voted for the big orange buffoon.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    Greedy people do greedy things.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    I just sent out my first invite.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    They better hurry up and get their research in now, because those research dollars are going to be in defense contractor executive's bank accounts within a year. I hope those scientists are polishing their resumes...because the new polished turd in the White House thinks they are a waste of time and money. Can they build a hotel that costs an average of $500/night? Can they bankrupt a casino (or two)? Can they scam people out of their hard-earned dollars? No? Then what use are they?

    Edit: As a side note HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU BANKRUPT A CASINO? Let alone two?...I actually know the answer to that question.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    homunculus...had to look it up.

    Posted in: Capitalism in One Family

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    Clinton would have changed least not for the better. I've said t before and I'll say it again- I understand people not voting for Clinton. I also understand people voting for Trump. What I don't understand is people actually supporting either of them.

    Posted in: Capitalism in One Family

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    So, how's that boycott working out? It's nice to see that I'm not the only person who knows that Pence is a hypocrite and a piece of shit.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    It got to this because multi-millionaire and billionaires run the country and they make laws that favor their bottom line. It's not too difficult to figure out. The difficult part to figure out is how the morons in this country think that voting in one of them as president will change anything. Bunch of fucking idiots. You all deserve what you are about to receive.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    He is absolutely a part of the entrenched political establishment. He has admitted to paying-off politicians for favors, AND we know for a fact that he paid that Florida prosecutor to drop the Trump U case, or whichever of the thousands of lawsuits in which he is involved, it's hard to keep track. The point being that he is the establishment and to claim otherwise is a lie.

    Beyond that, voting in more of the people who made these "security" laws, Republicans, is beyond fucking stupid if you want to move away from that type of government.

    I just don't know. I'm baffled. I've always known that the average person was an idiot, but this goes way beyond that.

    Posted in: Capitalism in One Family

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    How is this a "fuck you" to the establishment? He is the establishment. He won't change anything meaningful that will help the average American. He thinks the average American is the poor sap who can only afford to live in The Village. I'll bet anything Trump has never been in a home that was worth less than $1M. I'll bet he has less than 5 people in his contact list who make less than $1M/yr. The man wouldn't know a middle class person if he got kicked in the shin by one. And, let's be clear- Trump hates the middle class. Just go to one of his casino', wait, he bankrupted those, but if you could go to one of his casinos you would find that everything is crazy expensive to keep the riff-raff out, the same riff-raff that makes billions of dollars for other casinos..and just so happens to drive the economy. But, he's a fucking idiot who doesn't have a clue about economics.

    show moreshow less

    Posted in: Capitalism in One Family

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    I love it when a good plan comes together.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    We are about to enter an era of conflict of interest that has never been contemplated in people's wildest nightmares. Don Trump is going to be our next president. Those words don't even register in my brain. I can't resolve it. It just stuns me that there are so many gullible and stupid people in this country.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    The people in charge know that the vast majority of humans are so stupid that they will believe this without question. Because people are stupid. Beyond stupid. Oh, I'm being harsh and unfair? Approximately 50M people voted for Donald Trump as POTUS. I rest my case.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome


  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    Advanced education. I still never got an advanced degree because I started my education in my 30's and had a family, blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse, excuse.... My son is taking over for me. He is doing everything with his life that I dreamed of doing with mine. And that will allow me to die a happy man. My daughter is pretty awesome too. She feels left out sometimes because her big brother is such a high achiever and people talk about his accomplishments.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    You two need to get a room.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome


  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    Asians are shitty drivers. If you didn't know that before, you do now. Oh, you disagree and think I'm being racist? Ask yourself this question- How many successful Asian race car drivers are there in the world?

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    There have been a few trouble makes from time to time...

    Are you talking to me?

  • 8 years ago
    Comment RoamingGnome

    I hate that I feel this way, but I just don't care. I've met too many asshole cops who only live to fuck-up other people's lives. I was robbed last year by our local sheriff's deputies of several hundred thousand dollars worth of cannabis that was earmarked for collective members and dispensaries. The cops didn't care, they stole it. Yes, stole it. As in- they took it and sold it on the black market for profit and put the money in their pockets. They also stole $3200 in cash, as in- the deputy put it in his pocket and it mysteriously never made it to evidence...actually, nothing made it to evidence and no charges were ever filed against myself and my business partner. Why? Because it was a robbery. Fuck The Police. Die, motherfuckers.