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Published 10 years ago by OldBoots with 3 Comments

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  • septimine

    I'm on Reddit, not so much Tech, but other places. The mods are swamped. They can't deal with all of the posts made on a default sub. You have thousands of visitors making thousands of comments. And three guys, TOPS, trying to keep things from going bad. They have to use bots to trim the bad posts.

    The bigger problem is that there's a series of huge circlejerks on Reddit that makes expressing an unpopular opinion on a popular thread almost impossible. Try to be pro-business. That's great, except that unless you're in a conservative sub, no one will ever read it. If you're pro-feminism (not crazy feminism, but feminism) good luck being heard outside of a feminist sub. There are still some good communities, but there's a lot of censorship. Not from just the mods and their bots, but from users who will never let a contrary point of view be seen. So if you're in general agreement with the hivemind, you'll probably be comfortable. If you have a different opinion, you have to start your own sub and talk to like minded people.

    • sysadmin

      The average person is really terrible at managing other people. It takes developed skill, experience, and a certain amount of talent to be a good leader/manager. Most of the mods are just average people with the managing skill set typical of the average person (i.e. - next to none) so it isn't any wonder reddit is becoming a cesspool.

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