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Published 8 years ago by Appaloosa with 2 Comments

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  • ToadalDisaster (edited 8 years ago)

    What a load of bombast. Another media elite crying that Trump is the 'end of all good things'. The only difference between Trump and most of the public faces of the Republican party is Trump doesn't veil his words and double-talk to hide his extreme views. If anyone it's the news media who has played up Trump over and over and over and made him the only viable candidate. Just like they did with Clinton. That plus the this nonsense about how we are 'too democratic' and resent the elites. Please, what people resent is that they are jobless while the elites make all their money on rent-seeking, bribery, and pulling up the economic ladder behind themselves via regulatory capture, not to mention the collusion in government that effective prevents any true and useful reform from being passed.

    • kdawson

      Media elite? I used to be a reporter and I don't know what a media elite is. The media, except for a very few hold-outs are all corporation owned and lapdogs of the rich right. What these 'elites' don't seem to understand is that their station relies on the exploitation of the masses and, as we masses are drained more and more ruthlessly, they will eventually run of anyone to exploit. I think they are breaking the machine out of greed, arrogance and stupidity.

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