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  • Expression
    4 years ago
    by jcscher
    +11 +1

    Why Did Women Vote for Hitler? Long-Forgotten Essays Hold Some Answers

    A trove of essays in the archives of the Hoover Institution provide some insight as to what attracted everyday women to extremist ideology.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by rexall
    +3 +1

    Thomas Mann's War Against Hitler

    IN FEBRUARY 1938, Thomas Mann and his family sailed from Cherbourg, France to New York, where they were greeted by a throng of reporters and a film crew from the Paramount News Corporation. Mann, who had won the Nobel Prize in 1929 and appeared on the cover of Time in 1934, decried British prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement and correctly predicted that Hitler would annex Austria forthwith. Later that day, Mann, after being asked whether he found exile a lonely state of affairs, responded,

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by TheSpirit
    +2 +1

    'Hitler paintings' fail to sell at auction

    Five pictures said to have been painted by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler have failed to sell at auction in Germany. Weidler auction house hoped to raise €45,000 (£40,000; $51,000) from the most expensive work. The auction was held in Nuremburg, the German city once notorious for Hitler's mass rallies where leading Nazis were later tried for war crimes. Accusations of forgery marred the auction and city mayor Ulrich Maly described it as being in "bad taste".

  • Analysis
    5 years ago
    by funhonestdude
    +22 +1

    Hitler Loved Speed Limits

    Germany’s unregulated highways might be the most irrational aspect of its modern identity—but you can’t blame it on the Führer.

  • Analysis
    6 years ago
    by Freakbay
    +2 +1

    The Many Appearances Of Adolf Hitler

    New documents reveal Adolf Hitler was still alive more than 10 years after World War 2. Declassified CIA files revealed this truth about Adolf Hitler. The suspected Adolf Hitler pictures from the CIA files show him in his many different appearances unlike you've ever seen him before.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by wetwilly87
    +8 +1

    Hitler definitely died in 1945, according to new study of his teeth

    French researchers claim to have put an end to conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Adolf Hitler, after a study of his teeth proved he definitely died after taking cyanide and shooting himself in the head in Berlin in 1945. The researchers reached their conclusion after they were given rare access to fragments of Hitler’s teeth which have been held in Moscow since the end of World War II.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by timex
    +18 +1

    Indonesian Museum Removes Hitler Wax Model Following Public Outcry

    Indonesia’s De ARCA Statue Art Museum in the city of Jogjakarta (Yogyakarta) has removed a Nazi-themed exhibit after receiving a large number of complaints from people across the globe. The museum exhibit showed a life-sized wax model of Adolf Hitler, the former Nazi dictator, standing near Auschwitz concentration camp. The exhibit also displayed the slogan “Arbeit Macht Frei” that appeared at the entrance of all Nazi camps where millions of people were killed.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by Chubros
    +1 +1

    Hitler may have escaped Germany for South America, say CIA memos from the JFK files

    It’s regarded as a historical fact that Adolf Hitler killed himself on April 30, 1945, when it became increasingly clear that Nazi Germany would fall to Allied forces. But a handful of recently-declassified CIA documents, unveiled with the highly anticipated JFK files last week, show that the Central Intelligence Agency was investigating whether Hitler escaped from Europe and was hiding in Colombia in 1954.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by ckshenn
    +15 +1

    Hitler painting attacked with screwdriver

    An oil painting by Adolf Hitler hanging in an Italian museum has been attacked by a man wielding a screwdriver. The untitled work was damaged by a 40-year-old man who was outraged that the painting by the Nazi leader was hanging in a public space, the Corriere della Sera newspaper reports. It had been loaned by a private collector to the Museum of Salo, on the shores of Lake Garda, for an exhibition called the "Museum of Madness" earlier this year.

  • Analysis
    7 years ago
    by gottlieb
    +17 +1

    It turns out ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ wasn’t so far off about the Nazis

    Whether you learned about it from watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark” or, even earlier, from reading Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier’s European bestseller “The Morning of the Magicians,” who doesn’t now know that Hitler and Nazi Germany were obsessed with the occult?

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by aj0690
    +11 +1

    Hitler's birthplace seizure backed by Austrian court

    Austria's Constitutional Court has ruled that the state was right to expropriate Adolf Hitler's birthplace, which will be remodelled and used by a disabilities charity. Former owner Gerlinde Pommer had appealed against parliament's vote in December to seize the property. The court said expropriation would help ensure that the building, in Braunau am Inn, did not become a neo-Nazi shrine.

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by everlost
    +22 +1

    The Fake British Radio Show That Helped Defeat the Nazis

    By spreading fake news and sensational rumors, intelligence officials leveraged “psychological judo” against the Nazis in World War II. “Hier ist Gustav Siegfried Eins.” This is Gustav Siegfried Eins. “Es spricht der Chef.” The Chief is speaking. It was just before five in the evening on May 23, 1941, and the Chief's radio career had begun. What the Chief said over the next six minutes or so was something that Nazi troops listening to their shortwave radios had never heard before.

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by ckshenn
    +21 +1

    Austria to demolish house where Adolf Hitler was born

    The house where Adolf Hitler was born will be torn down and replaced with a new building that has no association with the Nazi dictator, Austria's government announced Monday as it moved to eliminate the property's pull as a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis. The plan still has to be formalized in legislation and voted on in Parliament. But the Interior Ministry said demolition was recommended by a government-appointed commission.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by socialiguana
    +26 +1

    Joseph Goebbels’ 105-year-old secretary: ‘No one believes me now, but I knew nothing’

    ‘It was rare for us to see him in the mornings,” says Brunhilde Pomsel, her eyes closed and chin in her hand as she recalls her former boss. “He’d walk up the steps from his little palace near the Brandenburg Gate, on to which his huge propaganda ministry was attached. He’d trip up the steps like a little duke, through his library into his beautiful office on Unter den Linden.” She smiles at the image, noting how elegant the furniture was, the carefree atmosphere where she sat in an ante-chamber off...

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    by baron778
    +3 +1

    Hitler 'had tiny deformed penis' as well as just one testicle, historians claim

    It has long been suspected that Hitler's conquest of Europe was an attempt to compensate for a lack of potency elsewhere. But the notorious playground rhyme about his testicles appears to have only told half the story, as a book claims the leader of the Third Reich had a micropenis. Hitler suffered from a condition called hypospadias which left him with an abnormally small manhood, according to historians Jonathan Mayo and Emma Craigie.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    by zobo
    +16 +1

    A Pleasant Day in the Alps

    Hitler's home movies. "I don't know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it's enough to make one's flesh creep." - Joseph De Maistre

  • Expression
    9 years ago
    by aj0690
    +54 +1

    Hitler’s World by Timothy Snyder

    Nothing can be known about the future, thought Hitler, except the limits of our planet: “the surface area of a precisely measured space.” Ecology was scarcity, and existence meant a struggle for land. The immutable structure of life was the division of animals into species, condemned to “inner seclusion” and an endless fight to the death.