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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 16 Comments

This Week in Google 309 - TWiT (Snapzu gets a video review!)

The episode is long but has some great discussions about tech (mostly Google), but what stood out was that they also included a nice (somewhat lengthy) review of Snapzu starting at the 1:42 mark. Good to see Snapzu getting some love out there.

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  • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

    "if there's another problem over at reddit" - more like when. This AMA I think will be the "thing" that will cause another split.

    • geoleo

      I think so too. And I also think that they have more than 1 straw left, but each time it will be a bigger event than the previous. Reddit is a big beast and these are just minor flesh wounds.

      • Kysol

        You'll never get rid of a problem. Facebook is still around, and look at the trash that is spewed into feeds each second of the day. When I first heard about that AMA I thought "gee, you've not only stirred up the hornets nest, but you've knocked it to the ground and set it alight". Trying to hold a discussion to fix the problem might rebuild the nest, but you're going to have to build it through a very pissed off swarm of homeless hornets.

        As I said to my partner last night, Reddit was perfectly fine a few months back. Sure there was bad stuff, but you didn't go to those subreddits if you didn't want to see/read that content. Now that they tried to "fix" it by forcibly removing the content, the content is everywhere and you can't go a day without seeing something that you wouldn't have seen a few months back.

      • SevenTales

        Unrelated, but thanks for your direct link to the review :)

  • messi

    Score! Not one negative thing. I like this guy!

    • geoleo

      Yeah it was all gravy.

  • drunkenninja

    That was a really great review of some of our flagship functionality! Special thanks to @aaronnewcomb for taking the time to give us a shot, we really appreciate the mention! Oh, and /u/geoleo, thanks for bringing this to our attention! :)

  • picklefingers

    Really cool to see people around the net talking about the site. Also, didn't know about this show. Actually looks sort of interesting. Nice concept.

  • CDefense7 (edited 9 years ago)

    "They call their subreddits, 'tribes.'" LOL I didn't know subreddit was a generic term now.

    • double2

      I think its more the communicative purpose of the term. There is no better way to explain a tribe in one word!

  • jayrunham

    Hey! I saw my post on there! Wait until my Mom sees this.

  • KondoR

    Snapzu finally really picking up some steam. Great to see.

  • microfracture

    That was a pretty nicely done quick overview of Snapzu. It is really nice to see it getting this kind of publicity now.

  • SevenTales

    That was really nice of them! I liked it a lot, thanks :)

  • lostwonder

    This is how I found out about this site.

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