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Published 9 years ago by baron778 with 18 Comments

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  • Cher (edited 9 years ago)

    I think this is absolutely ridiculous. He is in their country making a movie. Doesn't this boost the economy and bring in business. Why is this being blown way out of proportion? BFD, he took his pets in on a private jet onto a film set. really?

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    • geoleo

      Yes but rules are rules. When I went there I had to go through a quarantine and so did everyone else.

      • Cher

        I just think there was a more diplomatic way to handle the situation. It does not seem they were trying to hide the dogs or they wouldn't have taken them to the groomer and posted on social media.

  • bradd

    Up to 10 years, will end up being 1 day plus some petty fine.

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