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Published 5 years ago by Maternitus with 6 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    I am assuming she took your portrait! Very nicely done, and the idea of it being in black and white is in opposition to the vibrant colors you so often use in your work.

    • Maternitus (edited 5 years ago)

      Yeah, Sandy took the photo. :-) I asked her to bring forward an artisanal feeling or sense and with this one it worked out the best. It kinda looks like those old photo's of craftsmen, standing in (front of) their workshop, all proud and damn sure about their skills. :-)

      • Appaloosa

        Well she got all of that!

        • Maternitus

          She better, hahaha! We are friends for over twelve years and have done several projects. Every four to six months, at least, she visits with her cameras. I make it really difficult for her, for instance by including slight hints of fluor colours in the painting. Those are hell to document. :-) A lot of canvasses and installations on walls are documented by her and I'm very grateful for that. :-) Tonnes of experience and that's why she better has got all of that. :-)

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