+31 +1
Chinese zoo denies its sun bears are humans dressed in costumes
Hangzhou zoo insists animals are real after video of one standing on hind legs triggers online speculation
+13 +1
Alligator allegedly taken from Texas zoo as an egg or hatchling has been returned nearly 20 years later, officials say | CNN
A nearly 8-foot alligator that allegedly was taken from a Texas zoo nearly 20 years ago as an egg or a hatchling has been returned to the facility after it was spotted living illegally in the backyard of a home near Austin, officials say.
+10 +1
Critically endangered rhinoceros gives birth to calf at Kansas City Zoo on New Year's Eve
The Kansas City Zoo got a special start to the new year: A critically endangered subspecies of rhinoceros gave birth to a calf on Dec. 31, officials announced. The calf is walking, nursing and even playing with its mother, Zuri, animal specialists said.
+12 +1
Red panda found in fig tree after escaping Australian zoo
A red panda that spent two days on the lam after escaping from an Australian zoo was recaptured Sunday after he was spotted hanging out in a fig tree in a nearby park. Named Ravi, the 7-year-old panda had arrived at Adelaide Zoo last week after he was brought in from another zoo with hopes that he would pair up with a female red panda named Mishry. But by Friday, Ravi was gone.
+8 +1
Zoo Staff Refuses To Save Drowning Chimp, Suddenly Man Jumps Into Enclosure
One day, like any other day, the Detroit Zoo chimpanzee exhibit was surrounded with spectators on all sides, when suddenly, a playful chase between two chimps took an accidental turn, and one of the chimps slipped into the muddy moat surrounding the exhibit.
+25 +1
Mom charged with attempted murder after dropping daughter, 3, into zoo’s bear pit
Shocking video captures the moment a 3-year-old girl was dropped into a bear pit at a zoo in Uzbekistan by her mother, who is being investigated for attempted murder. The distressing footage from Tashkent shows the child being dropped into a trench about 16 feet below the railing as the hulking bear, named Zuzu, walks by and sniffs the child, East2West News reported.
+14 +1
Mochica, One Of The World's Oldest Penguins, Dies At 31
The flightless bird with an outsize persona personally greeted thousands of guests in his lifetime and was said to prefer the company of humans over his fellow penguins.
+10 +1
WCS Releases Archive of Stunning, Forgotten Historical Wildlife Illustrations
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released to the public a digital collection of some 2,200 forgotten, historical scientific wildlife illustrations from its Department of Tropical Research (DTR), which it ran from 1916 to 1965.
+18 +1
Detroit Zoo polar bear give birth to twins after unsuccessful pregnancies
After losing her baby cubs in two different pregnancies, the Detroit Zoo's 8-year-old polar bear, Suka, successfully gave birth to two cubs on Nov. 17. The two unnamed cubs are the first polar bears to be successfully born and raised in the Detroit Zoo since 2004, the zoo said in a news release this week.
+10 +1
Six Free Natural History Programs Streaming in January
Stream these free programs and more this January through the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.
+15 +1
The moment the 'world's loneliest elephant' makes his first friend in years
An elephant who was rescued from Pakistan is settling into his new home in Cambodia – touching trunks with his new friends. Footage shows the 36-year-old male jumbo named Kaavan at the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary in Siem Reap province. At sunrise, he enjoyed a refreshing mud bath then met one of his new neighbours, Di Poh, and they greeted each other by touching the tips of their trunks.
+12 +1
Cute but ferocious: N.C. Zoo announces birth of sand cat kitten
Sand cats may be small but don’t let their petite size fool you. They’re wild, fearless hunters that kill venomous snakes in the desert. They’re also a rare sight to see, which is why the N.C. Zoo is excited to announce the birth of a sand cat on Monday, Aug. 10. The kitten, small enough to fit into a teacup, was born to mother Najma, 3, and father Cosmo, five. This is the first kitten for the pair.
+25 +1
'World's loneliest elephant' okayed to quit zoo for new life
An elephant who has become a cause celebre for animal rights activists around the world will be allowed to leave his Pakistani zoo and transferred to better conditions, the animal welfare group helping with the case said Saturday. Dubbed the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’ by his supporters, Kaavan has languished at a zoo in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad for more than 35 years.
+9 +1
Stressed elephants at Warsaw zoo to be given medical marijuana
The Warsaw zoo has said it will start giving its elephants medical marijuana as part of a ground-breaking pilot project to test how it reduces their stress levels. Medical cannabis has been used worldwide to treat dogs and horses but “this is probably the first initiative of its kind for elephants,” Agnieszka Czujkowska, the veterinarian in charge of the project, said.
+4 +1
Rare blue lobster sent to Ohio zoo after discovery at seafood restaurant
A rare blue lobster escaped the fate that awaited it after the Ohio restaurant it was discovered at sent it off to a zoo instead of a boiling pot in its kitchen. The curious crustacean was delivered to a Red Lobster restaurant in Cuyahoga Falls last week. However, an employee quickly recognized one of the lobsters did not look like the others. Turns out it was a 1 in 2 million blue lobster (the shell’s unique coloring is caused by a genetic anomaly).
+18 +1
Zoo might feed animals to each other to stay afloat during lockdown
The coronavirus is sending a zoo into a feeding frenzy.
+4 +1
Leadership secrets from foreign penguins
Leadership by example helps forge a team. Let's see how penguins can lead the way.A few years back, there was a brand new fitness program at the San Francisco Zoo – a program that sort of just
+3 +1
Zoo shares adorable pictures of orangutans playing with their otter friends
A zoo in Belgium has shared some amazing photos of a blossoming friendship between a family of orangutans and their otter neighbors. The animals live together at Pairi Daiza zoo in Domaine du Cambron, as part of a program designed to maintain the primates' wellbeing in captivity.
+15 +1
Melbourne zoos are now live-streaming their penguins, lions and baby snow leopards
Practising social distancing right now? Luckily for you, Melbourne’s zoos have decided to live stream their animals so you won’t miss out on a second of all that cute creature fun. Zoos Victoria has set up live streams at some Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo enclosures, including the adorable snow leopard cubs. These adorable (and frequently napping) cubs were born on January 26 and are starting to explore the world a little more under the watchful eye of their mum Miska.
+15 +1
The Detroit Zoo plans to be entirely powered by renewable energy by 2021
Windmills and solar panels may soon be keeping the lights on in the reptile house, and throughout the Detroit Zoo. The zoo, located in Detroit's suburb of Royal Oak, says it's shifting to being powered entirely by renewable energy.
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