IMPORTANT - Rules & Information on how to share your TRIBES!
The goal of this tribe is to keep a nice clean place where people can post and discuss their newly created tribes. We promote nice clean discussion and constructive criticism. This tribe is in "Discussion Mode" which means that only SELF POSTS can be posted into this tribe. Please follow the below syntax for titling your Self Posts. Any self posts that do not use the proper syntax will be removed!
Title Syntax:
/t/tribetitle - Quick introduction / description of the tribe
Title Example:
/t/worldnews - A place to share important world news!
Be sure that somewhere in the body you include the link to the tribe, the easiest way to do this is by adding the /t/ right before the title of your tribe. So a tribe called called "testtribe" would be linked like this "/t/testtribe ".
10 years ago by drunkenninja
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