
[Site Behaviour] Front page should have more filtering options

The current filtering options are not enough. The front page with "All Tribes" is too broad and I don´t want to be isolated on "My Tribes" only. One thing I did on reddit was to browse my front page and then go to /r/all minus all filtered subreddits. That way I would have access to many subreddits which weren´t exactly of my interest, but which would have posts of my complete interest.

I like how posts can be tagged with more than one tribe to probably avoid reposts of the same content on different locations. It would be interesting if the users were given the option on their feed settings that "if a post has one tribe tag you filtered, do you want to have access to it?"

9 years ago by rti9 with 1 comments

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  • enwk

    Agreed. Also a side note, a way to reorganize "my top tribes" for the dropdown window and easy access would be nice. (Maybe there already is without unsubscribing/resubscribing and I just haven't figured it out yet).