
[Site Behaviour] 'Loading' Spinner When Saving Snap Descriptions

I've noticed that when editing the description of a snap (and similar) when the site appears to be under load, there is some delay before anything happens. This is to be expected, and the short delay itself is not a problem, but there is no visual representation that something is happening.

A small spinner that appears while the page is waiting for a response would be a great way to get around this. I noticed something similar already happens when you click the publish button.

9 years ago by imnotgoats with 2 comments

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  • hingeattack

    I think this is a good minor feature that really adds a little bit of smoothness to the view of the website. It could be useful on other things as well.

  • madjo (edited 9 years ago)

    I've had to enter my snap descriptions a few times because I didn't know I needed to wait after having pressed save, until I could do something else to the submission, such as adding tribes to post it to. So, I fully agree.