+3 +1
How Religious Schools Became a Billion-Dollar Drain on Public Education
A nationwide movement has funnelled taxpayer money to private institutions, eroding the separation between church and state.
+1 +1
Georgia Launches Website To Cancel Voter Registrations
+33 +1
Medicare Is in Desperate Need of Modernization and Expansion — Not Privatization
Monetizing Medicare and Medicaid undermines coverage for those who need it most.
+3 +1
Putin’s United Russia party set to retain majority as parliamentary elections wrap up
President Vladimir Putin's party was set to retain a majority in parliament as Russia on Sunday wrapped up a three-day election in which most Kremlin critics were barred from running.
+31 +1
Dismembering government
New public management and why the Commonwealth government can’t do anything anymore
+17 +1
State of Insecurity - Institute for Policy Studies
The Cost of Militarization Since 9/11
+15 +1
Biden’s Health Plan Shifts Even More Public Dollars Into Private Hands
Biden’s American Rescue Plan, like the Affordable Care Act, does not move us any closer toward a single-payer system.
+3 +1
Hungarian radio station to go off the air after court ruling
One of Hungary’s last remaining independent radio stations will be forced off the airwaves and limited to online broadcasts after a court upheld a decision by media regulators not to extend its broadcasting license
+9 +1
Honduras lawmakers seek to lock in ban on abortion for ever
A constitutional reform would require a three-quarters majority in congress to overturn Latin America’s most draconian ban
+10 +1
Hawaii’s Beaches Are Disappearing
Major islands have lost nearly a quarter of their beaches in the last century. The culprit? Seawalls and other barriers erected by wealthy homeowners.
+4 +1
Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque
President Erdogan reopens Istanbul's Hagia Sophia to Muslim worship, after a court ruling.
+1 +1
Russia votes in favor of referendum banning gay marriage
Russia voted in favor of a national referendum that defines marriage exclusively as a union between a man and a woman.
+2 +1
Dear America, please don't hold her against us | Nevada Current
At one point in her now-infamous interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN Wednesday, Cooper asked Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman what she, as mayor, was doing to make testing and tracing widely available to her city. Goodman was pleased to answer promptly: Having self-diagnosed herself with the coronavirus in January, she knew it was her… Continue Reading Dear America, please don’t hold her against us
+15 +1
My death sentence has been set for Christmas Day—so that you won't notice | Opinion
I was arrested and tortured into making false confessions after demanding democracy in Bahrain. This week, the Kingdom plans to sentence me to death while the world is celebrating Christmas.
+3 +1
Turkey using Interpol to track down dissidents
Ankara doesn't take kindly to critics — and has been using Interpol to hunt down Turkish dissidents in Germany and elsewhere. An exclusive DW report.
+4 +1
Woman cleared of baby death seeks justice for all
Evelyn Hernández, who has been acquitted of killing her baby, hopes her case will set a precedent.
+19 +1
Satellites show Brazil’s deforestation has only gotten worse since Bolsonaro took office
Jair Bolsonaro can't hide tree crimes from these satellite eyes
+1 +1
The Simple, Odious Reason Mitch McConnell Opposes Election Integrity
The sinister influence on the Senate majority leader is not the Kremlin, but a Republican Party that seeks to keep certain Americans from voting.
+2 +1
A Harvard activist detained in South Sudan “could be put to death”—and he still doesn’t know why
“If charged and convicted of these crimes, he could be sentenced to death,” international human rights lawyer Jared Genser said of Peter Biar Ajak.
+16 +1
Susan Collins will vote for Brett Kavanaugh, making his confirmation nearly certain
The Maine Republican announced her decision in a Senate floor speech Friday.
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