
If humans lived 10 years on average instead of 80, how would society be different?

Let's just say that the aging process is the same as now, just sped up 8x. This means that puberty is reached at around 2 years old. Athletes would retire at around 5, and that kind of thing. A stupid question but maybe we might get some insightful answers! So let's hear them.

9 years ago by aj0690 with 3 comments

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  • Kysol

    I'm guessing that would also count for a gestation period of 5 weeks, unless you are looking at forcing a lower birth rate due to 9 months being 7% of your life span (or if you were to take out pre-puberty and add say 3 years for old age it would be 15%).

  • canuck

    Wow this requires some deep thinking. It's like a domino effect, but i think we would still be stuck in the stone age.

  • drunkenninja

    I really don't think they would live long enough to accomplish much. A lot to do with learning is the experience gained from it, I doubt much can be passed on. Who knows though, but I doubt we would get passed hunting and gathering.