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Published 5 years ago by shirawinget with 0 Comments

The Ultimate Stroller Buying Guide

The right stroller makes all the difference in regards to ease and accessibility.

  • Ultimate Stroller Buying Guide

    The right stroller makes all the difference in regards to ease and accessibility. Whether it is a stroll through the park or a hike through the malls or if you are going all the way across to Paris, convenience in daily life is essential. Here is a basic guide to the different kind of strollers to choose from. Finding the best stroller depends on a couple of factors, namely lifestyle, budget, purpose, use, storage, and other mildly relevant factors.

    What is a stroller?

    Various methods of transporting babies have been used in different times and cultures. This ranges from back carriers to strollers, backpacks to car seats, bicycle carriers to baby carriages. Accordingly, styles, colours, efficiency and convenience level has surged.Strollers are pushchairs that are used for children under three years. The child sits facing forwards and is secured using a seatbelt. Strollers also contain storage areas under the seat and a pocket or two behind. Strollers also come with an umbrella-like shield to protect the child from any harsh light. You can check out some of the latest bugaboo bee strollers.

    Quick Stroller Tips

    1. Strollers cost from $300 to $1200, so depending on the factors we discussed earlier, take your pick.
    2. Go for umbrella type strollers, they usually hold more storage space and convenience.
    3. Go for a proper brand, strollers must be durable. A cheap and low-quality stroller will do you no good.
    4. Your stroller needs to go a long way. It must cater to both the babies and the others who will push it, fold it and stow it.

    Now that we have covered the basics, let’s find out the types of strollers out there.

    Full Sized Stroller

    The name says it all. If you are looking for a one-time stroller that will suffice through the toddler years, this is it. FSSs are bigger, sturdier and more durable. Plus, most of these models come with a lot of options, enhancing convenience. This stroller has all the benefits but the only drawback is its size. It is bulky, therefore public transportation, storage, climbing stairways or boarding elevators, navigating through small places will be difficult.Lightweight or umbrella stroller.You might lose a couple of features the FSS provides. But this type is comfortable and is ready to go everywhere. The stroller weighs less than 15 pounds and is potable. So, if you are flying abroad, this is your best choice. An LWS is generally designed for children above six months. So, if you are planning to purchase it for a toddler, it is not the best choice. However, there are strollers that are both lightweight and support toddlers successfully too.

    Double Stroller

    If you have twins and have problems with having two people to push. Well, it’s time to push that aside. There are fabulous double strollers that allow you to push both of your babies at once with little trouble. But because it can accommodate more than one child, it is very bulky and very heavy. Difficult to carry it around everywhere.

    Car seat carrier

    These wheeled frames can transform your car seat into a stroller really quick. Car seat carriers are lightweight and portable. And are quite convenient to be carried into and out of the car. The car seat carrier does not grow as the infant does, therefore must be replaced when the infant outgrows it.Do detailed research about which type of stroller you like. Lifestyle plays a major role in it. If you a frequent traveler, then an FSS will not work. Likewise, brainstorm your factors and choose the ideal one.

  • image source: unsplash image source: unsplash

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