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Published 11 days ago by lostwonder with 3 Comments

This Evil Company Owns ALL The Food In Your House | The Class Room ft. Second Thought


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  • Gozzin

    Disgusting,isn't it. They are right up there with United Health and the tobacco industry.

  • Gozzin

    This is so disgusting,but nothing will change.

  • Maternitus (edited 2 days ago)

    I have been a laboratory worker for an R&D department of Cargill for nearly eight years (1990 - 1998) and I can tell with certainty that this company sucks ass. They profit immensely from the subsidies meant for farmers, make huge profits by just trading in grains, soybeans and corn, without even using it for food production. The products they make are far from healthy and looking at the R&D department, they create products, whether people need them or not. If not, then they push (and bully) producers of food into using their products.
    In the early 90's they were already heavily into GMO's, the lab where I worked did research into genetic properties of soy, corn and wheat, in order to know what to manipulate to enhance yields. No ethical or safety questions asked. Hardcore for the bottom line. Same counts for environment, food safety or the well being of farmers.
    There is a clear reason they keep it as a family-owned company and are not represented on the stock exchange: they would go under in no time if they had shares to trade.
    I could write a book or some books about the happenings within that company, I have seen so many things that are plain wrong.

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