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Published 11 years ago by drunkenninja with 2 Comments

ARGUS-IS The world's highest resolution camera

The ARGUS-IS (Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System) can stream up to a million terabytes of data and record 5,000 hours of HD footage per day. It can do this by the 1.8 gigapixel camera and 368 different sensors all housed in the ARGUS-IS. From more than 17,000 feet in the air, it can see an object as small as six inches, tracking people and vehicles across an entire city. .

  • ARGUS-IS The world's highest resolution camera


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  • drunkenninja

    If this is being shown off to the world, I cant image what kind of technology they dont want to show off. I bet there is shit 10x more advanced at this point.

  • canuck

    Wow this is more scary than fascinating. In 10-20 years the government will know EVERYTHING about everyone.

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