• drunkenninja

    Of course people can live without processed food. I made a rule for this summer that I will only buy core ingredients (nothing with food labels on it) and then cook from scratch. It has been a blast preparing the foods in general and the taste is so much better than the processed crap I cut out of my diet. To clarify, I didn't eat just processed food before, I simply cut out the remainder out and I'm happy I did.

    • idlethreat

      That's pretty awesome to hear, man. I'm not quite there yet, but my processed-food intake has plummeted ever since I started working from home. Not having to deal with traffic in the mornings and evenings have handed me back 10 years a week I spent behind the wheel. It allowed me to cook pretty much every day of the week- normally a couple of things so there's plenty of leftovers for the next day, too.

      So, yeah. Not eating processed foods is a reality for some people. I can only hope that more will catch on.

      • drunkenninja

        Yep, I think its time America takes back real food. If only everyone was able to afford the ingredients and had the time to cook though, I guess my wanting this is a pipe dream at this point in time...

    • Gozzin (edited 10 years ago)

      I've been doing this for years. I shop around the outer edges of the grocery (except to get tea,coffee, Stevia In The Raw, and pickled artichokes,olives,that sort of thing.) That's where the real food is..The rest of it is cheap,processed,sugar laden crap. I make my own yogurt using whole organic milk and have a cooking day when enough food is cooked and stowed away to provide meals for a week.