• NinjaKlaus

    I just don't understand how we can complain about the Koch brothers and their election spending when Hollywood is mostly out in force for Democrats Hillary and Bernie, this in relation to advertisement to people through social media and such, I somewhat remember when politics was mostly private. I also don't get why nobody points out that George Soros is a billionaire that spends money on Democrat campaigns. I think both sides are to blame for every problem and they are all sold to the highest bidder, there's a reason congress has a 15% approval rating. It's just a question of which bidder represents your belief system more.

    As a caveat here, I readily admit it's insane the amount of money the Koch's spend as they do spend about 3x the amount of Soros. We should end all lobbying and contributions from business and then this wouldn't be an extremely big problem.

    • spaceghoti

      I think part of it is that Hollywood restricts its lobbying to issues that directly affect it, and George Soros doesn't have the reputation for writing legislation for states and government the way the Koch brothers do. The Kochs are doing far more than just trying to influence which politicians are elected, they're trying to write our laws as well.

      • NinjaKlaus

        I don't tend to run in circles that report on law writing but I accept that if that is the case that is a big red flag of danger. Basically they are super lobbyists and should be lumped with the MPAA and RIAA where they write laws and hand them to politicians to file and that doesn't fly with me.

        • spaceghoti

          I agree. That's why I do not and never have supported Joe Biden, because of his close industry ties with the RIAA and MPAA.