Text Post: 3 user-friendly changes posted by kvn
  • Schwut

    Going one step further with #3, I don't really need to see every single time that I've posted a comment in my notifications log. A statistics bar on my profile or at the bottom of the notifications log would be much better, showing exp earned from comments, posts, snaps, ect.

    • snakespm (edited 8 years ago)

      I was kinda thinking something like this. I tried to find something better. Basically they are mimicking a video game with this system, so it would look a bit more video gamey if they had that message over your avatar.

      • Schwut

        Yeah that would be cool for when you actually post or comment. I should probably clarify what I was saying more. I think that there should also be a stats bar for daily total experience, reputation gain/loss, and total upvotes/downvotes.