
[Bug-ish?] If I upvote something on my feed, it doesn't show up as upvoted on my front page

Sadly, I cannot upvote it twice to give it twice the boost, but sometimes I run across something and think "I didn't upvote that? let me do it now" and then the score doesn't change because I already did upvote it. Anywho, might be nice if that would be reflected everywhere you came across a post.

8 years ago by click with 3 comments

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  • Amulet

    the score doesn't change because I already did upvote it

    I agree that this is bad from a usability point of view. It would be cool if the upvote button had a different color (say, yellow) for items that I've already upvoted elsewhere.

  • AdelleChattre

    Votes you cast in different places are summed and weighted, so there isn’t a single up/down vote to reflect everywhere.

    • click

      I like /u/Amulet's solution - sometimes I simply forget to vote on something, so I'd like to know if I already have or not. I see what you mean though, showing it as green (for upvoted) wouldn't be ideal