  • Zeus

    On Halloween night, I'm usually more in the mood for some spooky fun than being scared to death, so my favorites tend to run a bit silly.

    Currently, I have to watch Hocus Pocus (1993) every Halloween. I think this is the perfect scary movie to show kids who are too young for actual scary movies. I love all the Halloween imagery. Everything from spooky graveyards to trick-or-treating to the big Halloween party near the end. Bette Midler's finest role. Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) is also really high up there. And if John Carpenter's Halloween is playing on cable, I will stop everything I'm doing and watch it until the end.

    • NinjaKlaus

      Got both Ernest Scared Stupid and Hocus Pocus from iTunes this year, now they can be all year movies!!! How 'bout a bumper sandwich booger lips always cracks me up and Bette's version of I put a Spell on You is great.

      As a kid that damn Trantor the Troll was scary, he hunted kids and only kids, mimicked voices you knew and showed up in that girls damn bed. Scary stuff.