
Honestly, what will you do if Trump wins the US presidency?

How dare I ask???

8 years ago by Chubros with 14 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    Join the Mars 1 colony expedition.

    • drunkenninja

      Don't be crazy, you can get almost the same effect by moving to Canada :)

  • Gozzin

    What can I do? Nothing.

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    Make pop corn and put on shades. Then laugh and cry at the same time at the stupidity of the people who elected him, while fearing the effects on all of us : the rest of the world.

    Edit : Canada will welcome you all, American political refugees, in case it happens.

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  • CrookedTale

    If he wins I can do nothing but cry. If Hillary wins I could do nothing but cry. For me this is turning out to be a lose lose situation. Trump has an interest in BIG Business running the government and Hillary has to many ties to the middle east and Wall Street.

  • imokruok

    @fredday96 makes it painfully clear on twitter; the answer to this question weighs more heavily on some than others:

    White ppl: If Trump wins I'll move to Canada hahehahahhe Minorities: I'm legitimately terrified for the safety of myself and my loved ones.

  • mcoorlim

    Try to wake up from the fever-dream.

  • SuperCyan

    Get really butt hurt, make some really angry comments on the internet, then probably not care - just like everyone else.